Pesach Day 8, 5778 – A Vision for Eating Right
Re’eh is Hebrew for See (1)-In the beginning of this parasha Moses asked God for the ability to grant the Jewish people the opportunity to see divinity and perhaps the future – through God – similar to the gift God gave Moses – After all – it would make it easier for the Israelites to get the message of Torah – RIGHT? I mean – much less need for study or reading and understanding
In other words God wanted everyone to hear or listen instead –
In this parasha God also directs Moses to instruct the Israelites on issues such as
- self-mutilation (Deuteronomy 14:1–2);
- dietary rules (Deuteronomy 14:3–21); laws about tithes (Deuteronomy14:22–25), debt payments (Deuteronomy 15:1–11), the release and treatment of Hebrew slaves (Deuteronomy 15:12–18), Sacrafice of firstlings (Deuteronomy 15:19–23).
- AND Moses reviews the correct sacrifices offered during festivals such as — Passover, Sukkot and Shavuot (2)
Essentially the Torah has already been given to the Jews God wants Moses to do a quick refresh/reminder about perhaps on the highlights in the Torah and what was given to the them (3)So the Parasha actually starts out with the word Re’ eh or See or sight “LIKE” –
see what I mean
I can see clearly
Do you see what I mean Re’eh is more than the physical act of seeing – It is about listening to and following the laws of Torah because we heard the commandments correctly.
Did you know that the verb ‘SEE’ is used more than 400 times in the Torah? (4)
A couple of other significant areas of the Torah where the word Re’eh is found(4): Genesis 41:41, When Pharaoh says to Joseph, “Re’eh, I put you in charge of all the land of Egypt” after Joseph has proposed his plan to save Egypt from famine. Or when Moses has doubts about whether Pharaoh is listening to him, God replies: “Re’eh, I place you in the role of God to Pharaoh” (Exodus 7:1)
In each of these cases these are references to a future for-seenimpact It can be tough writing a D’var and expect everyone will listen for relevant meaning following the Shacrit service and before all Torah readers recite their practiced Torah portions – Can you imagine LISTENING for the message and meaning chanted from Torah?So it was during the period when Torah was given to the Jews – Not many were actually able to read or chant TorahTorah was actually read to all by a few who knew what and how to read – Supposedly started by Ezra the Scribe way back in 547(5)To get the attention of Jews TO LISTEN to Torah portions – Cantillation or Trope or a melody was added It really helps to get the attention of others when making an important point so your audience or individuals you communicate with are prepared to listen for your message.
Ask a teenager
Ask a teacher
Ask a parent
Ask a comedian
Ask yourself how easy this is for you to get others to really listen and Hear your message – For me that’s where God and Moses were coming from – God said to Moses I give this Re’eh to a select few -You being one of the few and everyone else should LISTEN to you.
So we may say, “Look, this is what I want you to understand” or “Do you see what I mean?” When perhaps all we are really asking for is to be heardThe word Re’eh metaphorically is used in the Torah to cause those who were listening to pay attention to what was happening or was about to happen and focus on the upcoming importance of what was to be shared Perhaps this is why the evolution of phrases such as: Mazel Tov – Yasher Koach and Baruch Tihiye are used today when we acknowledge what we HEARD or LISTENED to. Re’eh helped the Israelites recognize that the future would be different based on information they had heard or were yet to hear about for choices in how they were to live in the context of Torah. So no need to take notes.
Pay back the person who’s speaking with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm shown by the expression on your face, in your posture, in Your questions or in the response you offer to the speaker. Play back what you hear in your own words, using your particular situation. Build on what you have heard by making it your own.
Take what you have heard and make it the foundation for your next
Ideas. (6)