What I enjoy about our Kehillah are the many things that differentiate us from the typical conservative Jewish congregations. There is no hierarchy! All are welcome and encouraged to participate at their own comfort levels.
In our version of a down sized, egalitarian Conservative Jewish Congregation, everyone is encouraged to take risks, to make mistakes in a warm and friendly atmosphere dedicated to individual growth as a key component of our communal growth.
In years past, I often arrived at Shul on Saturdays, during Shema or the Amidah, just prior to the Torah reading. I was very familiar with those portions of the service and often led Musaf prior to the formation of our Kehillah.
I was committed to our success, and recognized the need to be a part of the minyan at the very start of services so that those who had a Yahrzheit or need to say Kaddish would be able to do so. As a result, I committed to learning P’sukei D’zimrot and Shacharit. Now I have the sense of accomplishment that I can lead any part of the Shabbat service- whenever and however we need my help.
But what I love the most about our Kehillah is that in the absence of the political Clergy/ Board of Directors related congregational hierarchy, we have developed an uncommon opportunity for devotional prayer, development of community and a spiritual experience that is unparalleled by what is found elsewhere in my nearly 60 years of Jewish living spanning several Jewish communities. I feel that we have stumbled upon a formula that fills the gaps missing in the typical conservative Jewish congregation.
As Hillel said: “If not now then when? If not me then who?”
Please join us for a pleasantly different Shabbat experience!